
For a detailed history of Ordo Templi Orientis, click here! (US Grand Lodge)

Sekhet Bast Ra Ordo Templi Orientis found its start unofficially in late 1983 when Frater yh returned to Oklahoma at the end of his military service. He had been initiated into the Minerval, First and Second Degrees of the O.T.O. by Hymenaeus Alpha. On his return he received permission to start an official O.T.O. body in Oklahoma and a charter to initiate up to the Second Degree. The small meetings at this time laid many foundations for the future of SBR.

In August of 1984, with nine Minerval candidates, Sekhet Bast Ra was granted Camp status as a satellite body of Thelema Lodge in Berkeley, California. The master of the Camp at this time was Frater yh. Frater yh and Soror vh performed these first Minerval initiations on August 11. In December of that year, Sekhet Bast Ra celebrated its first public Gnostic Mass, continuing with regular performance of the Mass despite having to move the temple location several times. 

During 1985, Fr. yh received his Third Degree, and the charter to initiate to that degree.

The success and reputation of the body had been quite secured, and on June 20, 1987 e.v., Sekhet Bast Ra was granted Lodge status with the Second and Third Degree Initiations performed on July 25, and July 24 respectively. 

The growth of SBR brought initiators from California with the first Fourth Degree, P.I., K.E.W. initiations in Oklahoma. Many of the candidates from this time period went on to start their own bodies, heralding a great growth within the O.T.O. for the Southwest, Midwest and Plains States.

On May 4, 1993, e.v., joint control of charter for Sekhet Bast Ra and charter to initiate was passed to Frater Hunahpu and Soror Ixel Balamke, returning SBR to Oasis status. With renewed activity, SBR finished off its first full cycle as an Oasis with the production of Aleister Crowley’s Rites of Eleusis which began in January of 1993 e.v.. Initiations increased in frequency, and the few years that followed saw great change and evolution for the O.T.O. in Oklahoma.

During 1995 e.v., Sekhet Bast Ra was equipped to perform regular baptisms and confirmations, and in May of 1995, ordained the first Deacon of both SBR and Oklahoma. These years saw an increase in public awareness with our first homepage launched in January 1996 e.v. gaining many an ally in the local and national Thelemic community.

On April 19, 1997 e.v., the Electoral College again bestowed Lodge status to Sekhet Bast Ra. By 2002 e.v., the Lodge was under the sole mastership of Soror Ixel Balamke and the EGC Sanctuary (called Duante Sanctuary) had multiple Deacons as well as Priests and Priestesses regularly celebrating the Gnostic Mass.

In October of 2003 e.v., Sekhet Bast Ra passed the chair to its fourth master, Soror AHBH, and was again classified and chartered as an Oasis.

In 2005, e.v., Sekhet Bast Ra celebrated the opening of its physical public temple, with space for the Gnostic Mass as well as ample bookshelves and space for classes and discussions and initiations.  We remain in this very same space today.

In October 2009 e.v., shortly after Sekhet Bast Ra celebrated its 25 year anniversary as an O.T.O. Body, the mastership chair was passed to Soror IMMEIV. With regular public celebration of the Gnostic Mass as well as monthly classes and discussions, Sekhet Bast Ra continues to enjoy a reputation of hospitality and quality.

In April of 2012 e.v., the mastership chair was passed to Frater SV, keeping SBR operating as a beacon of the New Aeon in the state of Oklahoma.

In August of 2014 e.v., Sekhet Bast Ra Oasis celebrated its 30 year Anniversary with a banquet, an appearance by Lon Milo DuQuette and a midnight Gnostic Mass among other events.  Shortly after in October, Fr. Zosimos assumed the Mastership chair continuing the long tradition of Thelema in Oklahoma through the rites of E.G.C. publicly and M.M.M. privately.

In August of 2019 e.v. Frater SV resumed mastership of SBR continuing the legacy once more.  In the coming years, the advent of many new virtual events arose, spreading the influence of Thelema and allowing for new fraternal connections nationally and internationally perhaps never before considered.

SBR continues and will continue to be an Oasis of refuge in Oklahoma for those who follow "no law beyond Do what thou wilt."